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Portfolio & Experience

Here is a showcase of various services, skills & qualifications

including but not limited to;

 - High Risk Work License EWP(Over 11m)

- Working at Heights

 - Small Felling Chainsaw Certificate

 - First Aid & CPR

 - S11 & Coal Board Medical 

 - Venomous Snake Handling Cert

- Experienced Snake Catcher & Reptile Handler

 - Experienced Fauna Spotter Catcher

 - Experienced Ecology Support Worker

- Cert III Veterinary Nurse  

- 4WD Basic Operation and Recovery

- Trade qualified Boilermaker



Fauna Spotter Catcher

I pride myself on the well-being and protection of our native fauna and do everything within my ability to provide the best outcome for our native fauna with many years of experience over a wide range of job sites and working with a variety of machinery; notably helped develop, amend and implement a new Four-Phase clearing protocol designed to further protect our native fauna when clearing(mining industry) - Olive Downs Mining Complex with others including:

 - Residential development projects.

 - Commercial development projects.

 - Mining industry clearing projects.

 - Roadside upgrades & maintenance. 

 - De-watering projects; bridges, ponds, dams, etc.

EWP(over 11m) - HR Work Licence

I aim to provide the best possible solution for both our clients and native fauna with extensive experience on various EWP operations applicable to a wide variety of services provided these include:

​ - Inspections of tree hollows & bird nests for native fauna prior to felling/clearing.

 - Installation & monitoring of nest boxes covering commercial, residential & research sectors.

 - Installation & maintenance of fauna monitoring equipment; trail cameras, GPS tracking base stations.

Snake Catcher & Reptile Handler

My goal here is to provide a swift, humane service provided at the highest standards of safety for both the snake and client.

 - Available 24/7. 

 - Free advice & Identification.

 - Years of experience catching and working with a wide variety of venomous & non-venomous snakes.

 - Up-to-date first-aid and knowledgable on best practices for snake bite response.

 - Fully licensed & Insured.

Ecology Support Work

I have the experience and skills necessary to take on any project and guarantee my work is always to the highest standards:

 - Pre-clearing surveys & inspections. 

 - Fauna management plans.

 - Night-time surveys for native fauna.

 - Breeding place surveys.

 - EVNT's fauna surveys & monitoring.

 - Research data collection & nest box monitoring.

 - General fauna surveys.

Custom Enclosures

My passion for our native fauna is second to none but I have an absolute soft spot for our amazing reptiles and amphibians, I aim to provide solutions for everyones situation with indoor & outdoor enclosures also stocking a wide range of hides and custom backgrounds.


If you're looking for a new home for your scaly family members contact us today to discuss options

I'm a qualified boilermaker so you know you'll be in safe hands!

Wedge-tailed Eagle Nest Relocation

It began by picking a suitable tree for nest to be relocated too; within the area they had been observed but outside the clearing boundary(317m away from exisiting site), next secured existing nest to union and branches it was situated on and slowly began chopping back the extremities, next I had the franna then put some tension on while cutting the nest free, the franna then transported the nest to new nest site(guide ropes used to stop nest swinging and swaying around, the nest then lowered into the new nest site, once down and wedged we added some wire(same type as nest box) to help secure the nest to its new location, I then unhooked the franna and let it rest in the location and finallyI’ve add some jute webbing around the two exposed side to assist the nest settling into its final position.


The wedgie pair was spotted at the tree 6 days after the relocation and have been observed in the area frequently.

©2025 by Rhys Chapman Wildlife Services DMP - WA0062413 / ABN - 47460638763.
All Photos & Info Pamphlets By Rhys Chapman.

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